Back in June I had the pleasure of visiting Knepp Estate, made famous in Isabella Tree’s book ‘Wilding’. I’m a huge fan of Wilding and the Estate’s pioneering conservation initiatives, so I was curious to see the project close-up. I joined a tour of the brand new re-wilded walled garden, and heard the transformation story… Continue reading Building biodiversity and resilience at Knepp Estate’s Walled Garden
Permaculture for digital or tech teams
I’d like to share some thoughts about applying Permaculture in a digital or technology context, because I find it a super relevant and useful as a framework for making your team, product or organisation more sustainable.
Produce less waste
Eliminating or reducing your waste (rubbish/garbage) is cheaper, helps conserve resources and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It’s not a new concept*. Even if you’re eliminating waste just a little bit, if enough of us do it, we’re actually starting to make a huge difference.
Introducing my new wiggly worm friends
Exciting times in our house this month: we have adopted some new wiggly worm friends. Yes, this is what gets me excited these days and I’m going to (ever so slightly embarrassingly) admit it.
Why I started a blog about living sustainably
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the climate emergency, so I’ve started this blog to lift my spirits and share ways people are taking action and making change happen.